Malcolm is a storyteller with a background in natural science and a particular interest in the way that stories can give voice to the ‘more than human’ world. Creating a sense of connection rather than separation.
In particular, he enjoys creating performances that weave together two kinds of story: the mythological and the ecological. His most recent show, called Gone Cuckoo (created with his musician son, Joshua) reveals the story behind a BTO satellite-tagged English cuckoo; taking the audience on a journey of both time and space and of the human imagination. Malcolm and Joshua are working on a new show, Growth Rings.
He has done much storytelling work in education and has done extensive teaching with The International School of Storytelling as well as lecturing in storytelling at Newcastle University for the past 20 years.
Malcolm has had the following publications:
Northumberland Folktales 2014.
Two chapters in Storytelling for Nature Connection, 2022:
A Chapter in The Earth Stories Collection Vol2, 2022, www.theearthstoriescollection.org
Malcolm is a co-founder of A Bit Crack North East Storytellers.