Local Voices; An Evening of Delight

14 July 2019Blog
Three local tellers and a musician came together and gave us an evening of absolute delight.
From tales of cowboys to the struggle of the miners ,to shape shifting and wonder seemingly incongruous but linked together seamlessly  because each story

Carried Away in Story

14 July 2019Blog

Back at the Cobalt after having to host our events at other venues, feels like a homecoming. I do like the way that the building tucked away as it is, is still no distance from the city centre. It’s an …

If Not now, When?

2 June 2019Blog

As we drift into an unprecedented crisis for our beautiful planet earth with climate change, mass extinctions and threats to the very survival of humanity, what role is there for the storyteller?

It is on the agenda for sure with …

Price Restructure April 2019

15 March 2019Blog

Having kept our current prices for as long as we can remember, it is now time to make some changes to the cost of our evenings. This has taken much thought and debate and we continue to be committed to …

Beneath The Waves: Reflections from Ben Holden

18 July 2020Blog

Meeting on Zoom with about sixty other people to listen to old folk tales isn’t everyone’s idea of how to spend a Friday night, but it sounds pretty good to me.

I’ve never met most of the folk that gathered …

Thoughts from Una, Gwen and Holly

15 June 2020Blog

Thoughts after The Good, the Bad and the Uglier
Stories from Emily Hennessey and music from John Dipper on June 5th 2020


Reflections from Una, aged 9

I was excited by the magical forests and the weird trolls.

I …