….and with one mighty leap of faith we were back. Oh, frabjous day! Yes – live once more, happy and delighted since we’ve only been to keep in touch via zoom for the last few months. We’ve been thrilled to …
Stories of Hope; Reflections by Emma Bowers
What is hope? Chris took us in search of wisdom to help us find out. We realised by the end of the story that the stillness and quiet that has been imposed on us by the Lockdown might make us …
Reflections at Midnight, by Jane Young
At Midnight when asked by Chris Bostock to “Blog Reflect” on last evening’s (May 1st) Storytelling –I immediately recalled, in a sort of, your whole life flashing in front of you moment, all that A Bit Crack has taken me …
Graphene and The Nature of Heroism; Reflections by Dave Harrop
The Owl’s Gaze – Reflections from Richard
The Owl’s Gaze was a remarkable and, for me, important storytelling experience. It was a story of Malcolm’s life and of his developing thinking – the stories we heard both informed those changes and represented them.
The gaze of the …
Let a New Story Begin…
Here we are, A Bit Crack and friends gathered around searching for new stories.
It was a game, a bit of fun but it got me thinking; we couldn’t change what was in front of us in the newspapers but …
‘Stories are the way Nature teaches…’
Reflections on ‘Tales of Truthful Enchantment’ written by Steve
“A moment in a story in Maja’s set, before the break, became for me a motif running through Martin’s tales-within-tales in the second half. A retired railway worker covets a gold …
To Dream The Impossible Dream – A review by Mark Benjamin
Politics and Indian Storytelling
Kerima Mohideen performed an evening of storytelling with the title: If Trees Could Speak. What was striking about it was its weaving of contemporary politics with myth, story and her own experiences.
In the first half we heard a story …