A Bit Crack gets storytellers from many parts of the UK, and in March we were treated to a storyteller from Belgium called Tom Van Meighen who had just arrived by boat in North Shields to begin a UK wide
Martin Manasse’s appreciation of our story evening “A Hairy Girl” by Kersti Ståbi
It is very nearly thirty years since I first attended an A Bit Crack story evening and very seldom have I been anything but delighted and inspired. Tonight, the advertised guest storyteller was Kersti Ståbi but we also got a
Steve Lancaster reflects on An Evening with Michael Harvey
I have a feeling that Michael Harvey gives more through his storytelling than the audience, and even perhaps he, is aware.
His tales this night were traditional Bretton. They were – well, one word for them is preposterous. Also funny, …
Michael Wilson reflects on his first visit to A Bit Crack
Yesterday I went to my first ‘A Bit Crack’ at Chillingham Arms, and didn’t know what to expect.
What I found was the beauty of a shared and binding experience from the tradition of story telling.…
Steve Lancaster reflects on a Journey to the Lands Between
Blue drapes, and a Van Gogh vase of sunflowers centre-stage, mean it’s time for local tellers to take over A Bit Crack. Chris Bostock and Malcolm Green havebeen bundled downstairs, where they sit at the bar, nursing pints. It’s the …
Malcolm reflect on TUUP
This was an irreverent evening that reminded us of how to laugh and cringe all at once, and to keep on laughing. TUUP has the uncanny ability to flex his body to become what he tells.
We become the camel …