A Bit Crack gets storytellers from many parts of the UK, and in March we were treated to a storyteller from Belgium called Tom Van Meighen who had just arrived by boat in North Shields to begin a UK wide
Author: A Bit Crack
Martin Manasse’s appreciation of our story evening “A Hairy Girl” by Kersti Ståbi
It is very nearly thirty years since I first attended an A Bit Crack story evening and very seldom have I been anything but delighted and inspired. Tonight, the advertised guest storyteller was Kersti Ståbi but we also got a
Steve Lancaster reflects on An Evening with Michael Harvey
I have a feeling that Michael Harvey gives more through his storytelling than the audience, and even perhaps he, is aware.
His tales this night were traditional Bretton. They were – well, one word for them is preposterous. Also funny, …
Michael Wilson reflects on his first visit to A Bit Crack
Yesterday I went to my first ‘A Bit Crack’ at Chillingham Arms, and didn’t know what to expect.
What I found was the beauty of a shared and binding experience from the tradition of story telling.…
Steve Lancaster reflects on a Journey to the Lands Between
Blue drapes, and a Van Gogh vase of sunflowers centre-stage, mean it’s time for local tellers to take over A Bit Crack. Chris Bostock and Malcolm Green havebeen bundled downstairs, where they sit at the bar, nursing pints. It’s the …
Gilla reflect on A Bit Crack Storynights
EMma reflect on The Gods are All Here told by Phil Okwendy
Milly and Einan reflect on Wild Visions, Untamed Myth: Katy Cawkwell and Lucy Lill:
Graeme Kelly reflects on “Tales from the River’s Tongue” told by Heather Jane.
Jane Young reflects on “The Hanging of a Mouse”.
A hwyll worthy of the word grew – with warmth, welcomes, enthusiasm and eager expectation as a large group of listeners gathered in the Chillingham Arms upstairs room – and on Zoom – regulars and “first time” – and settled …